The Karlsson Játiva Charitable Foundation was set up in 2016 and is a registered charity in England and Wales. We are a philanthropic institution which was established with two main objectives in mind:

– the advancement of the art of music and the education of the same in the United Kingdom, Sweden and other countries across Europe; and

– the relief of poverty, distress and hardship and the promotion of education, health and welfare or any other exclusively charitable object in Latin America.

Our philosophy is to fund partners who have the potential to deliver structural change over the long term improving the opportunities for those who otherwise might not be able to fulfil their potential. With respect to our music objective, in addition to the funding we provide to Signatur Foundation Sweden, we also provide funding directly to various organisations in the United Kingdom under the Signatur Programme. With respect to the second objective, we provide funding to a wide range of partners operating in the Andean countries of Latin America.


The Karlsson Játiva Charitable Foundation is led by our board which is responsible for the design and implementation of our strategy.  Day to day activities are led by the Programme Manager.

Erland Karlsson, Trustee and Founder
Rose Marie Játiva Karlsson, Trustee
Jeremy Arnold, Trustee
Martin Andersson, Trustee
Liz Appleby, Programme Manager


The latest annual report for The Karlsson Játiva Charitable Foundation covering the completed fiscal year ended 31 December 2023 is available to download here:

Download the annual report here

For prior annual reports, please see our Foundation’s entry on The Charity Commission for England and Wales website.
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